Wednesday, October 10, 2007

WE WON (continued)

In other words....The cheerleader said no and kept her virtue. (See my post titled "If You Really Love me, You'd Say Yes" for explanation).

We did it folks, by a margin of 47% to 53% the nos carried the day. I also heard most of the areas where the yes won, the vote was closer than they thought. Here aw my thoughts.

The No votes were outspent at least 10-1. Not even the slick advertising, half truths (I'll not call them liars), the theft of signs (I'll call them thieves), a one sided daily paper and a war chest of several million were able to sway enough people to swallow the poison tax pill.

I believe we can have a River development plan (in fact, private development will happen without tax dollars) if Chairman Miller will try something new that is listen to the people and not her Special Interest buddies. Randi, if you want to stay in office, you'd better listen more and follow the GOBs a lot less. Honestly, I'm not betting on it. I've never seen a County Commissioner that is so bent on getting people to "like" her. Oh that she would have shown this concern to those that vote her in and (hopefully) vote her out of office.

This proves grassroots movements can and do work. I'll be honest, I thought we'd end up paying a higher tax, but I am happy to admit I was WRONG, 100% WRONG. Now, let's not lose our steam. Word is, come spring, KIT will be introducing a Roads tax. We need to stay focused and be as discerning with that proposition as we were with the River tax. I can see myself paying a tax for roads, but she'll have a hard sell with me after spending millions of dollars moving City Hall.

Slick wording on the ballot didn't work. The elites must have thought we were stupid. The ballot was for developing the river, sort of, it also said "and or" whatever the county wants to spend the money on. Bottom line, we would've handed Chairman Miller and her buddies a blank check.

Again, thank you Tulsa and the surrounding areas for doing the right thing and voting NO.

Addendum: Councilors Perry and Smaligo, you got slapped. That's OK, we all make mistakes. Don't follow in the the footsteps of Chairman MoaMiller. The Tulsa World, Chamber, and other elites do not have to answer to your voters. Listen to the people that put you in office. If you don't, you will find yourselves out of a job. Learn from the River Vote defeat and from now on stand on the principle that got both of you elected.


Stephanie Guthrie-LaFlamme said...

I just wanted to say welcome to the blogs! I found you through a link on Batesline, and am happy to see another sane Tulsa voice. I truly enjoy reading the Tulsa bloggers and find you all to be a very informative bunch. You're doing great so far, and I look forward reading more from you.

Westside Steph

Mark said...

Thanks for the kind words. As for being "sane" my wife may disagree with you. :-) Come back anytime. Mark