Friday, October 12, 2007

No Excuse

With the decline of mainline denominations (the latest news story involving the Presbyterian Church USA where orthodox congregations are leaving, finding a new home with the Evangelical Pres. Church), the story here the body of Christ is in trouble. The laity has become complacent, or outright ignorant.

I have two words..... NO EXCUSE.

NEVER in the history of mankind have books been so easily available. From the library (I checked out a copy of Luther's Small Catechism before I received one), to web sites, (a good one is, but so is Amazon) to sale items at stores like Mardel, one can easily borrow or purchase books at excellent prices. In addition, many books are available online. There are several web sites that host Christian classics including books by the Reformers, Church Fathers, and other leaders. The Information age is an age where knowledge abounds. We, however, will not benefit from this advancement in technology if we do not use it.

As good as learning theology and church history are, NOTHING should take the place of studying Scripture. The Reformers had a phrase "Sola Scriptura", scripture alone. But how many people take the time to study God's Word? When we fail, unorthodox traditions creep into the church. This is the very reason why we should be thankful there was a Protestant Reformation.

When one does not study God's Word by reading it prayerfully and allowing oneself to be aided by many excellent commentaries, they will find themselves vulnerable to doctrinal error. Whether it is the theological errors plaguing many minsters that align themselves with ORU by teaching Word Faith errors, or liberal churches that outright deny Biblical truth, to Seeker Sensitive churches that do not wish to "offend" anybody, the average Christian will be vulnerable without the knowledge of Scripture.

Studying scripture is important, but as Christians, we ignore church history (the good and the bad) at our own peril. By studying history (HIS story) we see the Bible come to life in the lives of everyday men and women who claimed it for themselves. Whether it is somebody coming to faith for the first time, or the strength of a martyr, the assurance God gives comes through loud and clear. This is why Martin Luther said, "Unless I can be convinced by Scripture and plain reason, I cannot recant". This is what encourages Christians to meet in secret where Christianity is outlawed and to smuggle bibles into dangerous parts of the world.

We also see the mistakes churches in the past made in our attempt to learn from them. One last note of interest - by learning from the past, we can also see many of the doctrinal errors plaguing our churches. EVERY cult teaches doctrine deemed as heresy by the early church. "There is nothing new under the sun"; yes, that was from, you guessed it, The Bible.

Let all of us, young and old alike, study God's word and become more knowledgeably and discerning.

FYI, For more information about Christian doctrine and church writings, check out the links on the right side of the blog. I will add others as time permits.

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