Friday, October 5, 2007

No Tax, and NO FAIR

No tax and NO FAIR.

Is anybody going to the fair this year? I’m not and I’ll tell you why. I don’t appreciate a certain County leader (Chairman Miller) using strong armed tactics to force a long standing business out of our city so their buddies can have no competition. Furthermore, I don't appreciate said leader (Chairman Miller, hey, Chairman Mao used strong armed tactics, so the name fits for her) thinking she can decide which business stay and which go, as if we are her little playthings. As much as I hate conspiracy theories, KOTV did a revealing story showing the connections between contributions to Randi Miller and the Bell’s eviction. They also showed documentation that Murphy Bros, who runs the Midway at the fair was allowed to sign a sweetheart deal with no competitive bidding whatsoever. I remember Bell’s as a kid and it sickens me my daughter will not be able to spend time there like I did when I was her age. Bottom line, I’m excursing my freedom of choice and not giving the fair my $$$. (Gee, I am able to be pro choice and not kill any babies, talk about cool!)

As for the River tax, I will be voting a resounding NO Tuesday for the simple reason I believe we are overtaxed. Any person who will do the research can see this for themselves. Why should hard working Tulsans pay for the extras for our city when our streets are in such bad shape and our crime is out of control? I can think of better ways our city could spend our money. No right thinking person is against river development but why should the citizens of Tulsa pay for something the private sector should be paying for themselves. And if I hear one more commercial about how it’s for the children, I’ll throw up. I’m voting no for MY child so myself and her when she’s older will not be saddled an unnecessary debt.

One more thing to ponder when you pull that lever, remember, the plans are not fully developed, so think long and hard whether you trust Chairman Miller with what amounts to a blank check. Any doubt? Remember Bells.

Also remember, it’s YOUR money, not the city’s. Only by holding them accountable will we be able to turn this city around and restore it to the great city it is meant to be.

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