Friday, October 26, 2007

Time For Truth

I'm amazed at the howls of outrage directed at Rex Duncan and other members of the legislature after they (politely) declined copies of the Koran.

The Muslims and their enablers are leveling the usual charges. The members of Congress are closed minded, unamerican, divisive, and tampering on their rights.

I'm sorry, how is refusing a group's literature infringing on their rights? By this same logic, I'm trampoling on the rights of Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses when I refuse their literature. BTW, I've studied both and have come to the conclusion through research and talking to members of both both are outside historic Christianity so I'm not being closed minded. Furthermore, Rep. Duncan POLITELY declined a copy of the Koran. I ask again, how is that being abusive, mean, divisive, etc?

I think it's time to turn the tables around and ask the Muslim leadership for answers to the following questions...

Why do we not hear more Muslims speaking out against terrorism? Why are Muslim groups such as CAIR sympathetic to terrorism? Who is bombing Israeli targets? You guessed it, Muslims. What country is funding anti American Islamic schools? Why that would be the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, an Islamic theocracy. Whether it is Spain, The Netherlands, Indonensia or 9/11, all of these acts of violence have been committed by Muslims. Ok, let's say they are radicals who've "hijacked" the Koran, why aren't more Oklahoma Muslims speaking out? The one instance where one did resulted in his being expelled from his house of worship.

Muslim leaders, do not fake anger or outrage. Rep. Duncan was polite when he refused the Koran. He simply offered some advice you would do well to take. YOU are the ones that owe us an explanation.

I'm not letting area Muslim leaders off the hook in the name of "tolerance". They need to be held accountable for the actions of those practicing their religion.

P.S. Yes, a if somebody murdered an abortionist in the name of Christianity, I would speak out against their crime. The Bible forbids murder. The Koran, in some parts, does not.

P.P.S. I am not for violence against Muslims. If I met one I would share the Gospel with him/her and would show them the love of Christ. Several years ago when I had to take taxi cabs to and from work I met three Muslims that were very friendly and hospitable. Nevertheless, despite my love (or in spite) for Muslims, I must be honest about the silence directed towards terrorists by members of this religon and the the bloodthirsty tenets found in the Koran

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