Sunday, August 3, 2008

Why Randi?

Or: What lessons can elitists learn from Randi's defeat?

Reform minded citizens of Tulsa got a shot in the arm last Tuesday when Sally Bell defeated incumbent Randi Miller in the Republican primary. What lessons can other elected officials learn from the debacle that was her reelection campaign?

It would be shortsighted to dismiss such a large (81% Bell 19% Miller) margin on vengeful voters disgusted with the part Randi played in the eviction of Bells. I am sure many voters saw the election as payback for Bell's, but rather vengeance, I believe most voters saw the eviction as an eye opener. Before Bell's eviction this blogger was unaware of many of Randi policies. I knew a few stances she took and disagreed with some, but not until Bell's were my eyes opened. Once I saw Miller on the news leading the charge to force Bell's out I not only started paying more attention to her antics, but researched her past positions. By the time Randi was cheer leading for the River Tax I was better informed. I knew about the double standard between Big Splash and Bells. It was discovered Randi received a sizable donation from Murphy Bros. making her do their bidding. From there the public learned of Big Splashes inability to pay rent; no actions taken against the water park and Randi's attendance record. Oh, did I mention Big Splash was owned by the same Murphy Brothers that gave her such a sizable campaign donation?

All this to say Randi lost touch with the base. Somewhere along the way she started paying more attention to those who had power and money than the common folk. When caught, there was always an excuse but the more Randi talked, the worse of a liar she proved to be. By the time of the election July 29Th, most Republicans in her district had enough. They were tired of the secret meetings, back room deals, Randi's inability to stand up for them, and her constant love affair with higher taxes.

Other elected officials better take notice. Tulsans are slowly getting sick of being taxed higher and higher while seeing their utility rates go up. Our leaders better look to the defeat of Randi and learn from it. Even KIT in her multi million dollar mansion is not immune from getting voted out of office.

Remember elected officials. Different areas of the county also killed three different tax hikes.

It's worth repeating. Tulsans have had enough.

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