Monday, February 4, 2008

More ORU Going Ons

I haven't blogged about it lately, but there is a lot of news coming out of ORU. To be honest, I don't remember, nor can I blog about it all as it's been coming so fast but there are some notable happenings that deserve our attention.

The Board of Regents accepted the $70 million give- or- take- a- few dollars and the strings attached. This is a good first step for the university as it is much needed tough love.

Also, the Board of Regents will or by now may have been disbanded (I've been out of the loop) and the government transformed to what sounds like a more honest, transparent form of government. It sounds like this will help the university in staying accountable in the way it's run.

Also at least two Word Faith ministers, Benny Hinn and Creflo Dollar have left the Board of Regents. I can't say how happy I am to see the university part company with Oral's shady pals. What I discovered while researching Mr. Dollar is his blatant heresay. Don't believe me? Think I'm being too hard on Mr. Dollar? Check out the following link and read for yourself. and here is Mr. Dollar explaining Christ's imperfection while on earth. In layman's terms, Mr. Dollar, in saying Christ was not perfect when he came to earth, teaches Christ wasn't God. This teaching goes against the teachings of Scripture in many places. Actually it sounds like a heresy known as Adoptoptism, where Christ was "adopted as God. I am amazed that Oral, and Richard, both claiming to be anointed prophets, getting their teachings direct from God himself would allow someone holding such heretical teachings to sit on the board.

I heard this morning Richard is moving out of the lavish house the Roberts' have lived in for some time.

Kudos to ORU for distancing itself from the unbiblical teachings of their WF buddies, accepting the accountability that comes with Mr. Green's money, and insisting (however it was done) Richard vacate his lavish house owned by ORU.

I do pray ORU will recover from the recent scandals. More important, I pray they will recover and surround themselves with orthodox Christian leaders as professors, supporters and university leaders.

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