Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Computer Woes (What I learned from Best Buy)

So what did I learn from all this? Several lessons really.

1. Companies must be kept accountable. That is why I named Best Buy. This wasn't meant as slander. I appreciate the assistance the executives gave, but why did I have to climb their corporate ladder? Why did I have to employ the help of a local news station?

2. Sometimes it's necessary to take a stand. Folks it's simple. There are times in life when one must stand up for one's self. Maybe nothing will be done, but you don't know until you try. Whether it's an unnecessary river tax, amnesty for illegal aliens, or a company giving a customer the run-around on a defective computer, the powers-that-be sometimes want us simpletons to shut up. Only by raising a little h-e-double-hockey-sticks will those in authority be held accountable. Oh, yeah, and the more who raise said hockey sticks the merrier.

3. Don't waste time on those who can't help and pick your battles. During this ordeal, some words or actions said or did by Best Buy, I just let go. Stand your ground when you know it will help, and if somebody can't help you, go to the person who will. That's why WW and I enlisted the help of Channel II.

4. Don't be afraid to ask for what you feel you deserve. When I talked to the executive, his first offer was not enough to fully compensate for a similar laptop. Had I not asked, I would not have gotten the amount I ended up getting. I'll say it again. You won't know what you'll get if you don't ask. Remember, all they can say is 'no".

5. Know when to accept. Or, know when to say when. As much as I wanted a cool, '17 Blue Ray playing computer, the fact was I was not going to get one. Truth is, I shouldn't have as I did not buy a laptop that expensive. Be fair but be firm, and learn to figure out when you have a good deal and accept. By the way the BB executive spoke ("Letting me know I could pay for any difference in the computer costs") was a big enough hint for me. Oh, FYI, the offer he gave me WAS generous. It was enough to cover the cost of the computer and extended warranty.

Thank You Channel II in helping me get this issue resolved.

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