So what did I learn from all this? Several lessons really.
1. Companies must be kept accountable. That is why I named Best Buy. This wasn't meant as slander. I appreciate the assistance the executives gave, but why did I have to climb their corporate ladder? Why did I have to employ the help of a local news station?
2. Sometimes it's necessary to take a stand. Folks it's simple. There are times in life when one must stand up for one's self. Maybe nothing will be done, but you don't know until you try. Whether it's an unnecessary river tax, amnesty for illegal aliens, or a company giving a customer the run-around on a defective computer, the powers-that-be sometimes want us simpletons to shut up. Only by raising a little h-e-double-hockey-sticks will those in authority be held accountable. Oh, yeah, and the more who raise said hockey sticks the merrier.
3. Don't waste time on those who can't help and pick your battles. During this ordeal, some words or actions said or did by Best Buy, I just let go. Stand your ground when you know it will help, and if somebody can't help you, go to the person who will. That's why WW and I enlisted the help of Channel II.
4. Don't be afraid to ask for what you feel you deserve. When I talked to the executive, his first offer was not enough to fully compensate for a similar laptop. Had I not asked, I would not have gotten the amount I ended up getting. I'll say it again. You won't know what you'll get if you don't ask. Remember, all they can say is 'no".
5. Know when to accept. Or, know when to say when. As much as I wanted a cool, '17 Blue Ray playing computer, the fact was I was not going to get one. Truth is, I shouldn't have as I did not buy a laptop that expensive. Be fair but be firm, and learn to figure out when you have a good deal and accept. By the way the BB executive spoke ("Letting me know I could pay for any difference in the computer costs") was a big enough hint for me. Oh, FYI, the offer he gave me WAS generous. It was enough to cover the cost of the computer and extended warranty.
Thank You Channel II in helping me get this issue resolved.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Computer Woes (Dealing with Best Buy) Pt 1
I haven’t posted in a while because my hard drive crashed for the second time in three months. Here's what happened.
During the last six months, I have replaced my computer twice and the hard drive crashed on the third computer two times.
Because I purchased an extended warranty, Best Buy repaired my computer free of charge. The silver lining (I’ll give credit where it’s due) was my hard drive. BB has a policy of replacing either like for like or if one is not available, they will upgrade, NEVER downgrade. I went from a 160 GB to 250GB.
Because I purchased an obvious lemon, I asked management that an exception to the no-returns-on-computers-after-fourteen-days be made. Neither the store nor district managers would comply. The district manager told me all necessary exceptions have been made and BB would just continue to fix my PC. When I asked to speak to someone in higher authority, his response: "Our executives don't talk to customers."
When WW heard this, she fired off a complaint to Channel 2’s Problem Solvers who interviewed me on camera. Shortly thereafter, a Best Buy executive called asking if I would pick up my computer. If I wasn't happy with the work completed, he would see about getting me a replacement. I wasn't satisfied because I was given a much smaller hard drive. After relaying the info to the BB exec, he agreed to replace my computer, plus a new extended warranty, PLUS, a little extra for sales tax.
During the last six months, I have replaced my computer twice and the hard drive crashed on the third computer two times.
Because I purchased an extended warranty, Best Buy repaired my computer free of charge. The silver lining (I’ll give credit where it’s due) was my hard drive. BB has a policy of replacing either like for like or if one is not available, they will upgrade, NEVER downgrade. I went from a 160 GB to 250GB.
Because I purchased an obvious lemon, I asked management that an exception to the no-returns-on-computers-after-fourteen-days be made. Neither the store nor district managers would comply. The district manager told me all necessary exceptions have been made and BB would just continue to fix my PC. When I asked to speak to someone in higher authority, his response: "Our executives don't talk to customers."
When WW heard this, she fired off a complaint to Channel 2’s Problem Solvers who interviewed me on camera. Shortly thereafter, a Best Buy executive called asking if I would pick up my computer. If I wasn't happy with the work completed, he would see about getting me a replacement. I wasn't satisfied because I was given a much smaller hard drive. After relaying the info to the BB exec, he agreed to replace my computer, plus a new extended warranty, PLUS, a little extra for sales tax.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Dog Show
Tonight is the first night of the A.K.C. Westminester Kennel Club dog show.
Being a dog lover, I watched as much as I could. If you love dogs, I recommend watching the contest. You will see many breeds you've never heard of and see many of your favorites. I was especially glad to see the 15 inch Beagle Uno win the Hound group. I do not know who won the terriers and as of this writing, the Non Sporting is in the ring.
I'm a German Shepherd lover so I'm pulling for the GSD to win the Herding Group.
Update: The Standard Poodle wond the Non Sporting group. FYI, I CAN'T STAND POODLES!!!!!.
Being a dog lover, I watched as much as I could. If you love dogs, I recommend watching the contest. You will see many breeds you've never heard of and see many of your favorites. I was especially glad to see the 15 inch Beagle Uno win the Hound group. I do not know who won the terriers and as of this writing, the Non Sporting is in the ring.
I'm a German Shepherd lover so I'm pulling for the GSD to win the Herding Group.
Update: The Standard Poodle wond the Non Sporting group. FYI, I CAN'T STAND POODLES!!!!!.
WW's company gave away free hockey hockey tickets to Friday's game. Since we had no plans we made an evening of it meeting a group of her co workers at Mexicali then heading to the Convention center for my first hockey game.
The seating wasn't bad; we sat a little high, but with the white ice, I didn't have much trouble watching the game. Because hockey is so fast paced, I gave up using my binoculars because by the time I located the puck, it was already at the other end of the rink.
Yes, there were about three fights and I last count how many of the Oilers had to sit in the penalty box.
Tulsa defeated Rio Grad Valley 4-3. (I think, it may have been 4-2.)
I enjoyed the game and would go again depending on the price of tickets.
Amnesty John's Cheerleaders
I’m amazed at the number of people claiming to be conservatives, who vilify Rush Limbaugh and Laura Ingraham for asking tough questions about Amnesty John.
To their line of thinking, Amnesty John is the nominee and we all need to get behind him. We who want answers from AJ are called to “tone it down”, or “reach out.”
What are these people thinking?
I expect this type of behavior from RINOs but conservatives? It makes me wonder if they know what a conservative is.
All Rush and Laura (and the party base) are doing is holding Amnesty John accountable by asking tough questions. If he’s so conservative, why does he favor limiting free speech, giving wholesale amnesty to lawbreakers, buying into the global warming myth, opposed the Bush tax cuts, giving terrorists constitutional rights, tough approaches to interrogation (AJ’s opposed to water boarding), teaming up with the Gang of 14. (These 14 senators worked behind the scenes deciding which judges would get a approved instead of letting them go to the Senate floor for a vote), and flirting with liberals every chance he gets? Heck, Amnesty John was even considered as a running mate to John Kerry. (I guess Senator Kerry decided to drop AJ after he decided to pick him) Oh, did I also mention he considered leaving the GOP in 2001 during a time when the GOP barely had control of the senate? This move would’ve put control right back in the hands of the Democrats.
I wish somebody would remind Amnesty John’s cheerleaders the proof is in the pudding. Just because somebody says they’re conservative doesn’t mean they are.
If Amnesty John wants to unite the GOP, might I suggest he reach out to conservatives? The truth is, we conservatives don’t feel comfortable with many of Amnesty John’s positions. We need proof he will listen to the party base and govern as a conservative.
In short, I want Amnesty John making promises to conservatives and keeping them.
To their line of thinking, Amnesty John is the nominee and we all need to get behind him. We who want answers from AJ are called to “tone it down”, or “reach out.”
What are these people thinking?
I expect this type of behavior from RINOs but conservatives? It makes me wonder if they know what a conservative is.
All Rush and Laura (and the party base) are doing is holding Amnesty John accountable by asking tough questions. If he’s so conservative, why does he favor limiting free speech, giving wholesale amnesty to lawbreakers, buying into the global warming myth, opposed the Bush tax cuts, giving terrorists constitutional rights, tough approaches to interrogation (AJ’s opposed to water boarding), teaming up with the Gang of 14. (These 14 senators worked behind the scenes deciding which judges would get a approved instead of letting them go to the Senate floor for a vote), and flirting with liberals every chance he gets? Heck, Amnesty John was even considered as a running mate to John Kerry. (I guess Senator Kerry decided to drop AJ after he decided to pick him) Oh, did I also mention he considered leaving the GOP in 2001 during a time when the GOP barely had control of the senate? This move would’ve put control right back in the hands of the Democrats.
I wish somebody would remind Amnesty John’s cheerleaders the proof is in the pudding. Just because somebody says they’re conservative doesn’t mean they are.
If Amnesty John wants to unite the GOP, might I suggest he reach out to conservatives? The truth is, we conservatives don’t feel comfortable with many of Amnesty John’s positions. We need proof he will listen to the party base and govern as a conservative.
In short, I want Amnesty John making promises to conservatives and keeping them.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Mitt Out
This keeps getting more and more depressing for conservatives.
According to Fox news, Mitt Romney is quitting the Presidential race.
Looks like the way is paved for Amnesty John.
According to Fox news, Mitt Romney is quitting the Presidential race.
Looks like the way is paved for Amnesty John.
Picking Up the Pieces
With Amnesty John in the lead for the Republican nomination, a lot of good conservatives are asking…What do we do now?
Many people have said they are sitting out the election. In their mind, a vote for Amnesty John is unthinkable. Because he has betrayed the conservative movement so many times, voting for him would be rewarding him.
There is also another line of thinking. This one goes something like this….. We either don’t vote or vote for the liberal. When they get elected and screw up the country and people see liberals true colors, we can elect a conservative who will set everything to rights.
There are two flaws to these lines of thinking. First, I don’t think voting for Amnesty John is rewarding him. Rather, it is voting for the lesser of two evils. We had a chance to voice our concern during the primary and we failed. You can blame a lot of things (Lord knows there is enough blame to go around) but what’s done is done. We now must vote for the most agreeable of the two choices.
Second, not voting or voting for the Democrat may hand the election over to the other side. What in the heck do you think a liberal like Hillary or Obama will do to our country? Do you think the damage done can be erased in four years after a conservative wins the election? (Provided they do) Remember folks what the stakes are. A liberal in the White House will hand the Supreme Court to the liberals. It will be the 60’s Warren court all over again. You can bet we will see more activist rulings from judges who think the Constitution is a “living document” By the time they’re done, the only people with rights will be terrorists and criminals. There is also the “Fairness Doctrine” If you think a liberal president won’t push for passage you must still believe in Santa Claus. If it's challenged, how do you think a liberal judge, nominated by a liberal, will rule? Can you imagine a Commander in Chief Hillary? (or Obama) What do you think he/she will do to our effort to defeat radical Islam? Both have stated they want troops out of Iraq ASAP. Yeah, that will send a message to our enemies. Sad to say, it will be the wrong one. Can you say Vietnam redo?
I’ve never been one to sit out a vote. I take my Constitutional rights VERY seriously. Many Americans, including, soldiers and minorities, paid a high price (some dying) so we can vote. . What would Frederick Douglass, Susan B. Anthony and the many war vets think about this misguided thinking?
I think it’s time for conservatives to get back in the game of educating the American people. Why are our ides better than liberals? Once we educate the masses, I’m confident we will prevail. Conservatism just makes too much darn sense. Plus not giving a rip what the media thinks of us will help us too.
Once we educate, it’s time to hold Amnesty John’s and the rest of our elected officials feet to the fire. Remember, and this was brought up on KFAQ, Bush wanted amnesty for illegal aliens. Because of the national outcry, amnesty was stopped dead in its tracks. Let Amnesty John feel the heat; once he does, he may have a bona fide Come to Jesus moment.
I understand people’s anger and frustration at our Republican leaders. Believe me, I do, but the solution is not to chicken out of voting or voting for somebody we all know will do worse than Amnesty John.
I thought it was the liberals who wanted to cut and run?
Many people have said they are sitting out the election. In their mind, a vote for Amnesty John is unthinkable. Because he has betrayed the conservative movement so many times, voting for him would be rewarding him.
There is also another line of thinking. This one goes something like this….. We either don’t vote or vote for the liberal. When they get elected and screw up the country and people see liberals true colors, we can elect a conservative who will set everything to rights.
There are two flaws to these lines of thinking. First, I don’t think voting for Amnesty John is rewarding him. Rather, it is voting for the lesser of two evils. We had a chance to voice our concern during the primary and we failed. You can blame a lot of things (Lord knows there is enough blame to go around) but what’s done is done. We now must vote for the most agreeable of the two choices.
Second, not voting or voting for the Democrat may hand the election over to the other side. What in the heck do you think a liberal like Hillary or Obama will do to our country? Do you think the damage done can be erased in four years after a conservative wins the election? (Provided they do) Remember folks what the stakes are. A liberal in the White House will hand the Supreme Court to the liberals. It will be the 60’s Warren court all over again. You can bet we will see more activist rulings from judges who think the Constitution is a “living document” By the time they’re done, the only people with rights will be terrorists and criminals. There is also the “Fairness Doctrine” If you think a liberal president won’t push for passage you must still believe in Santa Claus. If it's challenged, how do you think a liberal judge, nominated by a liberal, will rule? Can you imagine a Commander in Chief Hillary? (or Obama) What do you think he/she will do to our effort to defeat radical Islam? Both have stated they want troops out of Iraq ASAP. Yeah, that will send a message to our enemies. Sad to say, it will be the wrong one. Can you say Vietnam redo?
I’ve never been one to sit out a vote. I take my Constitutional rights VERY seriously. Many Americans, including, soldiers and minorities, paid a high price (some dying) so we can vote. . What would Frederick Douglass, Susan B. Anthony and the many war vets think about this misguided thinking?
I think it’s time for conservatives to get back in the game of educating the American people. Why are our ides better than liberals? Once we educate the masses, I’m confident we will prevail. Conservatism just makes too much darn sense. Plus not giving a rip what the media thinks of us will help us too.
Once we educate, it’s time to hold Amnesty John’s and the rest of our elected officials feet to the fire. Remember, and this was brought up on KFAQ, Bush wanted amnesty for illegal aliens. Because of the national outcry, amnesty was stopped dead in its tracks. Let Amnesty John feel the heat; once he does, he may have a bona fide Come to Jesus moment.
I understand people’s anger and frustration at our Republican leaders. Believe me, I do, but the solution is not to chicken out of voting or voting for somebody we all know will do worse than Amnesty John.
I thought it was the liberals who wanted to cut and run?
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
I Voted
Though it looks like Amnesty John won Oklahoma.
Although Amnesty John took several states, Huckabee isn't going down without a fight. He has secured several states including Alabama, Arkansas, West Virginia, and I think Tennessee just to name a few.
Romney won some states too including Massachusetts and Utah. These lists aren't exaustive, just showing not every state is going to Amnesty John.
Last time I checked, Huckabee was winning in MO. That race is still pretty close so all bets are off.
Let's hope Amnesty John is stopped in his tracks before the nomination. I really don't want to have to vote for the lesser of two evils. (OK, I will be doing that anyway, but the others are much better than McCain)
Update: Fox 23 news just called Oklahoma for Amnesty John. He took 37% of the vote. One simple observation. That isn't anywhere near a majority. Even if you factor voters uniting behind one canidate, can Amnesty John unite the conservative base?
We'll know more when results from the western states come in.
Although Amnesty John took several states, Huckabee isn't going down without a fight. He has secured several states including Alabama, Arkansas, West Virginia, and I think Tennessee just to name a few.
Romney won some states too including Massachusetts and Utah. These lists aren't exaustive, just showing not every state is going to Amnesty John.
Last time I checked, Huckabee was winning in MO. That race is still pretty close so all bets are off.
Let's hope Amnesty John is stopped in his tracks before the nomination. I really don't want to have to vote for the lesser of two evils. (OK, I will be doing that anyway, but the others are much better than McCain)
Update: Fox 23 news just called Oklahoma for Amnesty John. He took 37% of the vote. One simple observation. That isn't anywhere near a majority. Even if you factor voters uniting behind one canidate, can Amnesty John unite the conservative base?
We'll know more when results from the western states come in.
Monday, February 4, 2008
More ORU Going Ons
I haven't blogged about it lately, but there is a lot of news coming out of ORU. To be honest, I don't remember, nor can I blog about it all as it's been coming so fast but there are some notable happenings that deserve our attention.
The Board of Regents accepted the $70 million give- or- take- a- few dollars and the strings attached. This is a good first step for the university as it is much needed tough love.
Also, the Board of Regents will or by now may have been disbanded (I've been out of the loop) and the government transformed to what sounds like a more honest, transparent form of government. It sounds like this will help the university in staying accountable in the way it's run.
Also at least two Word Faith ministers, Benny Hinn and Creflo Dollar have left the Board of Regents. I can't say how happy I am to see the university part company with Oral's shady pals. What I discovered while researching Mr. Dollar is his blatant heresay. Don't believe me? Think I'm being too hard on Mr. Dollar? Check out the following link and read for yourself. and here is Mr. Dollar explaining Christ's imperfection while on earth. In layman's terms, Mr. Dollar, in saying Christ was not perfect when he came to earth, teaches Christ wasn't God. This teaching goes against the teachings of Scripture in many places. Actually it sounds like a heresy known as Adoptoptism, where Christ was "adopted as God. I am amazed that Oral, and Richard, both claiming to be anointed prophets, getting their teachings direct from God himself would allow someone holding such heretical teachings to sit on the board.
I heard this morning Richard is moving out of the lavish house the Roberts' have lived in for some time.
Kudos to ORU for distancing itself from the unbiblical teachings of their WF buddies, accepting the accountability that comes with Mr. Green's money, and insisting (however it was done) Richard vacate his lavish house owned by ORU.
I do pray ORU will recover from the recent scandals. More important, I pray they will recover and surround themselves with orthodox Christian leaders as professors, supporters and university leaders.
The Board of Regents accepted the $70 million give- or- take- a- few dollars and the strings attached. This is a good first step for the university as it is much needed tough love.
Also, the Board of Regents will or by now may have been disbanded (I've been out of the loop) and the government transformed to what sounds like a more honest, transparent form of government. It sounds like this will help the university in staying accountable in the way it's run.
Also at least two Word Faith ministers, Benny Hinn and Creflo Dollar have left the Board of Regents. I can't say how happy I am to see the university part company with Oral's shady pals. What I discovered while researching Mr. Dollar is his blatant heresay. Don't believe me? Think I'm being too hard on Mr. Dollar? Check out the following link and read for yourself. and here is Mr. Dollar explaining Christ's imperfection while on earth. In layman's terms, Mr. Dollar, in saying Christ was not perfect when he came to earth, teaches Christ wasn't God. This teaching goes against the teachings of Scripture in many places. Actually it sounds like a heresy known as Adoptoptism, where Christ was "adopted as God. I am amazed that Oral, and Richard, both claiming to be anointed prophets, getting their teachings direct from God himself would allow someone holding such heretical teachings to sit on the board.
I heard this morning Richard is moving out of the lavish house the Roberts' have lived in for some time.
Kudos to ORU for distancing itself from the unbiblical teachings of their WF buddies, accepting the accountability that comes with Mr. Green's money, and insisting (however it was done) Richard vacate his lavish house owned by ORU.
I do pray ORU will recover from the recent scandals. More important, I pray they will recover and surround themselves with orthodox Christian leaders as professors, supporters and university leaders.
Super Tuesday
Be sure to go vote tomorrow for your choice for the presidental nomination. If you're a Republican, and don't want the nomination to go to Amnesty John, PLEASE vote.
I'm hoping Amnesty John doesn't win, but if he does, I'll vote for him over Barack or Hillary; he is a better candidate, not by much, but better none the less.
Let's keep him from getting the nomination by voting against amnesty, ripping our constitution to shreds, flirting with liberals, and a candidate who has made a hobby of telling conservatives to go to hell.
I'm hoping Amnesty John doesn't win, but if he does, I'll vote for him over Barack or Hillary; he is a better candidate, not by much, but better none the less.
Let's keep him from getting the nomination by voting against amnesty, ripping our constitution to shreds, flirting with liberals, and a candidate who has made a hobby of telling conservatives to go to hell.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Daniel Lesson
Today I had the honor of teaching a class on the book of Daniel (no, I don't mean the sacrilege that died a not-too-quick death on NBC after two or three episodes) This is the real deal, Daniel, as in the lion's den. Although nervous, I thought the class went rather well. I was able to cover chapters 1-4; next week I will finish up the history section with chapters 4-6, then spend the next couple of weeks discussing the prophecies given to Daniel by God.
If you haven't read or studied Daniel, I recommend you do so. Get yourself a good commentary, one that explains the text and does a good job giving a thorough argument for Daniel's authorship. The New American Commentary does an excellent job of doing both these things. For example, liberals believe Daniel didn't write the book but that it was written by a Jew during the second century B.C. The NAC explains how that is incorrect using both Biblical and historical/archaelogical sources.
Pray the rest of my lesson goes well and the class is able to learn about this great book.
If you haven't read or studied Daniel, I recommend you do so. Get yourself a good commentary, one that explains the text and does a good job giving a thorough argument for Daniel's authorship. The New American Commentary does an excellent job of doing both these things. For example, liberals believe Daniel didn't write the book but that it was written by a Jew during the second century B.C. The NAC explains how that is incorrect using both Biblical and historical/archaelogical sources.
Pray the rest of my lesson goes well and the class is able to learn about this great book.
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