Sunday, November 4, 2007

Reformation Day Part II

What were the beliefs of the Reformers?

The Reformers wanted to answer four basic questions. How is a person saved? Where does a Christian's authority lie? What is the church, and what is Christian living? To answer these vital questions, they developed five "solas" which, taken as a whole, form the bedrock of the Reformation. I will summarize each of them.

Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone) In matters of teaching and doctrine, the Bible was the final authority. The Reformers were not opposed to tradition or looking to the past, what they were opposed to was making these equal with Scripture. Martin Luther said it best. "Unless I am convinced by Scripture and plain reason...My conscience is bound by the Word of God....." To him and other Christians through the ages, Scripture was what was used to measure all teachings. It was "the norm that normed all other norms."

Sola Fide (Faith Alone) The teaching is simple, one is justified (declared right before God) through simple faith ALONE. The Roman Church had no problem with salvation by faith, the problem came when the word ALONE was added. This flew in the face of the Romish doctrine of salvation by faith plus works. The Reformers were aware of the importance of good works, but they affirmed the Biblical teaching that works come AFTER salvation and not before or to attain it.

Sola Gracia (Grace Alone) We did nothing to earn God's grace. God saved us simply because he chose to. By grace ALONE and through faith ALONE we are saved. God's grace imputes his righteousness in us declaring us "not guilty" of our sins. This is called "Imputed Righteousness"

Sola Christus (Christ Alone) Christ's death and resurrection are enough for our salvation. The Bible teaches this wonderful truth that when one puts his faith in the death of Christ, that is enough to attain eternal life. The hymn writter said it best "I need no other argument, I need no other plea. It is enough that Jesus died and that He died for me." Any church that puts anything after Christ's death as payment enough for sins is not a Christian church.

Sola Deo Gloria (For the Glory of God Alone) As much as this goes against our egos, salvation is by God alone and for His glory alone. As Christians we are to live our lives glorifying God.

The Reformers, contrary to Roman Catholic apologists, did not "invent" new doctrine. All five of these truths are rooted in Scripture and form the backbone of orthodox Christianity. What the Reformers wanted was simple; a RETURN to Biblical Christianity. These brave men and women held comon beliefs with the Historic church (e.g. the Trinity, Christ's virgin birth and raising from the dead, the Bible as the word of God, etc) Even the Roman Church of Dr. Luther's day, which resembled little of the Church founded by Christ, held, at least in theory these same teachings.

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