Sunday, November 11, 2007

Random Thoughts

WW and I were out running errands Tuesday when we decided to stop at Furr's and grab a bite to eat. Our waitress was very attentive and dedicated to her job. I did, however, notice, she was a little slow. I asked WW and she confirmed and she said they had a practice of hiring disabled people.

I have one thing to say to liberals and Professional Victims who want to make everybody a ward of the state.....LEAVE DISABLED PERSONS AND THE REST OF US ALONE!!!!! What right have I saying many disabled persons can and should work to the best of their ability? Aint I just a mean, right winger, hate mongering, Christian bigot? I'll tell you why . I am disabled.....That's right, DISABLED; I am legally blind. I was born with cataracts, a weak retina, and weak optic nerve. I have never, nor, baring a miracle will ever drive a car and sometimes need larger print. I must also use a large monitor, and cannot see or do some things the rest of you mere mortals take for granted.

However, I thank God I was born into a home where my parents felt legally blind didn't mean legally stupid. I was pushed to work as hard as my fully sighted brother never being allowed to use my disability as an excuse. I remember a lady talking to my mother and she was amazed she would (my mom) allow me to get a job with my grades (I wasn't the best student) My mom said she wanted as normal childhood for me as possible, hence the reason she was OK with me working. Were my parents perfect? No ( I wanted to learn self defense in Jr. High since I was picked on and they said no), did my mom admit in Jr. High I should have gone to a private school, yes and she was probably right. Life was and is not always easy. I rememember feeling awkward in our church Youth group and was picked on a lot in Jr. High and it was difficult not able to drive while all my other friends were getting their first cars, but truly "All things work for good" God has blessed me not only with godly parents (my mom, deceased, and my father still alive) but with good friends, one in particular let me drive his car (VERY slow in an abandoned parking lot) and a wife who has NEVER made me feel she resented me for her being the only driver in our family. I thank God my parents did help me with my disability, driving me places and getting me the tools I needed for school and making sure I sat in the front row so I could see the board better. Because of my upbringing, I have many hobbies that may seem hard to believe. I like to play golf, and can play as long as I have somebody to help me find my golf ball, read a great deal, and enjoy playing (though I haven't in a while) my soprano saxophone, and of course, I have taken up the hobby of blogging just to name a few.

So, where am I going with this? Simple, unless a person absolutely cannot work, disabled persons must be made and allowed to work the best of their ability. Even if it's a small job, working and fulfilling the normal need God gave us to be tasked, gives a person a sense of accomplishment. No Government program can do that. I do realize each disability is unique and that not everybody can work forty hours, but, let those that can, work as much as they are able. Give them that sense of purpose. The young lady's dedication at Furr's proved to me what happens when disabled persons are allowed to WORK. Those that can (including myself) should.

All Glory, praise, and Thanks go to the infinate Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for providing me with godly parents, a supportive wife, and wonderful daughter. Without the parents, I would not be who I am today, and without my wife I would not have the support a disabled person needs, and without my daughter, I wold not know the joys of fatherhood.

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