Monday, November 26, 2007

Hell Week

Wednesday through Sunday will be "Hell Week" for WW and me. Friday through Sunday our church is doing a dinner theater production and Wednesday and Thursday are the last two days the cast can rehearse. I don't have a big part, but going from work, having about an hour to eat dinner, feed the dogs, then head off to church will take it's toll. I'm enjoying being in the play, but I'll be glad when the whole thing is over.

Sunday School went a lot better. It still got a little out of control, but just starting on time made a huge difference. Hopefully the teacher(s) will put their heads together to figure out how to reign in the talkers. After talking to a fellow church member who also has plenty of experience teaching, I have a new perspective on the talkers. I'll admit, I can be cynical thinking some are there just to talk and socialize. He reminded me everybody there wants to get something out of the class and to draw the class into discussion and specifically asking the talkers questions. It sounds like that may help and when it's my turn to teach Daniel, I just may try that. I appreciate his advice as it has caused me to have a better attitude towards the classmates. I still think sometimes it may be necessary to privately talk with those who are insistent on being disruptive, but this action should take care of a lot of the issues.

Ok, breaks over, now it's back to work.

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