Saturday, November 24, 2007

Am I the only One?

Who thinks Sunday School is for learning?

My wife and I belong to a Sunday School Class where the teachers are not only dedicated to teaching God's Word but mak an effort welcoming all in the class. However, some issues have arisen that are a cause of concern for my wife and me. Over the last several weeks, the class has gotten more and more out of control. One of our participants brings her teenage kids to the class and these kids have become disruptive. When prayer requests are taken, they have gotten longer and longer to the point where hardly any time can be dedicated for the lesson. When the lesson is finally given, not much time is left for adequate teaching, and the students are too busy talking, people's kids are running around, and it all breaks down to nothing more than a big free-for-all. It got so bad last week I talked to both the teachers expressing my concern and let it drop if matters weren't corrected I would not think it too drastic to take this matter to our pastor.

You see, I believe Sunday School is more than simple fellowship. Yes, it is that but it is much more. Sunday School is a time when Christians get together to fellowship, bear each others burdens, and LEARN. It concerns me many SS classes are more interested in gossip and talking than teaching their students invaluable lessons found in God's Word.

We'll see if anything is resolved after one person's kids were getting up and talking with their parent, prayer requests went way over long and a four person conversation (while the teacher was trying to teach the lesson) involved all four gawking and gabbing at a fellow student's newborn she brought in the class but did not take to the nursery.

I sure hope this issue gets resolved, I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Savage Baptist said...

Sounds interesting. It's hard to say exactly what the dynamic is without actually being in the class.