Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Historic Happenings

My jaw about dropped when I heard the latest developments coming out of ORU. In short, the regents accepted Richard Roberts' resignation, he will hold a "spiritual" post on the board but both father and son have no voting power whatsoever; they are merely advisors. The big news, however, is ORU and the ministry are going to be separated. Here is the press conference.

Whether any doctrinal reformation can be achieved at ORU time will tell. I was a little concerned when the spokesperson described contributions as "seed faith gift" and stated both ORU and Oral's ministry will be "spiritually connected" but maybe I'm just nitpicking; change takes time.

Later on, Mart Green, owner of Mardel and Hubie Lobby announced his family will donate 70 million to ORU. There are, of course, strings attached. Eight million is unconditional but if the university wants the other 62 mil, certain conditions must to be met. Some include greater transparency in financial dealings, new leadership (achieved with Richard resigning), and the possibility of new regents.

I couldn't be more pleased. Look folks, it's simple and Mr. Green said this very thing. Trust has been violated and ORU is in serious debt. In order for the ship to be righted, new leadership must take over. One other comment, Mr. Green made clear his family had no intention of taking over ORU, in fact, he said it's possible in a couple of years, they may not even be needed. To what extent new leadership will be sought, and how all this will shake out only time will tell.

I was also happy to hear Mr. Green describe the problems @ORU not as financial, but as spiritual. Whether "spiritual" he means a lack of trust, or something deeper like doctrine, who knows, but I was energized hearing him say once the spiritual issues are resolved, this in turn will resolved the financial issues.

Please continue to pray for the ongoing issues facing ORU. They are to be commended for the step taken separating the ministry and university.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Screw Me Once...

Shame on you, screw me twice, shame on me.

Or better put, shame on Israel, our State Department, Sec. of State Rice, President Bush, Colin Powell, and the bunch of stupid liberals that have not learned from the pages of history.

They're at it again. Prodded by Sec. Rice and our State Department, Bush, hungry for a legacy, is pushing a "peace conference" Why do I think it's the same ol same ol, Israel, give more land, PA, you don't have to do a darn thing (except kill more Jews)

Really, this is the same group who has yet to live up to one promise they made at the 1993 Oslo peace summit. Heck, their leaders even deny the holocaust, are as corrupt as the day is long, and breed hatred through anti Jewish vitriol in the school textbooks. They also make a habit killing as many Jews as possible. Remember also, Israel won this land in (several) wars they didn't even start.

In case you've forgotten the West Bank was the scene of happy dancing in the streets the day we were attacked on 9/11. I know, I remember after we left work early that day seeing it on the news.

Cal Thomas has an excellent peice about this very subject, notice the way he spells "peace" it's fitting.

I especially liked this little quote.

The so-called Palestinian side brings nothing to the table. It has yet to fulfill a major pledge made at previous summit meetings. If the Palestinian side were applying for a bank loan, they would be turned down for defaulting on prior loans. Only in the twisted logic of Middle East "diplomacy" is their credit undamaged.

That about sums up the whole deal, Israel pushed to make peace, the PA promising, then before the ink is dry, every promise is broken. Of course Israel must accept part fo the blame for giving in every time. He then points out the danger of appeasement to the US.

Having destroyed Israel, it won't end there. Crazed Islamic fanatics will sign up in droves for the "honor" of coming to America to blast away at our foundations. In fact, according to our ludicrously named Department of Homeland Security, they are already here because we willingly let them in under the same misguided creed that guides U.S. policy in the Middle East. If we just show them how welcoming and wonderful we are, they will see we mean them no harm and change their minds about killing us.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Hell Week

Wednesday through Sunday will be "Hell Week" for WW and me. Friday through Sunday our church is doing a dinner theater production and Wednesday and Thursday are the last two days the cast can rehearse. I don't have a big part, but going from work, having about an hour to eat dinner, feed the dogs, then head off to church will take it's toll. I'm enjoying being in the play, but I'll be glad when the whole thing is over.

Sunday School went a lot better. It still got a little out of control, but just starting on time made a huge difference. Hopefully the teacher(s) will put their heads together to figure out how to reign in the talkers. After talking to a fellow church member who also has plenty of experience teaching, I have a new perspective on the talkers. I'll admit, I can be cynical thinking some are there just to talk and socialize. He reminded me everybody there wants to get something out of the class and to draw the class into discussion and specifically asking the talkers questions. It sounds like that may help and when it's my turn to teach Daniel, I just may try that. I appreciate his advice as it has caused me to have a better attitude towards the classmates. I still think sometimes it may be necessary to privately talk with those who are insistent on being disruptive, but this action should take care of a lot of the issues.

Ok, breaks over, now it's back to work.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Am I the only One?

Who thinks Sunday School is for learning?

My wife and I belong to a Sunday School Class where the teachers are not only dedicated to teaching God's Word but mak an effort welcoming all in the class. However, some issues have arisen that are a cause of concern for my wife and me. Over the last several weeks, the class has gotten more and more out of control. One of our participants brings her teenage kids to the class and these kids have become disruptive. When prayer requests are taken, they have gotten longer and longer to the point where hardly any time can be dedicated for the lesson. When the lesson is finally given, not much time is left for adequate teaching, and the students are too busy talking, people's kids are running around, and it all breaks down to nothing more than a big free-for-all. It got so bad last week I talked to both the teachers expressing my concern and let it drop if matters weren't corrected I would not think it too drastic to take this matter to our pastor.

You see, I believe Sunday School is more than simple fellowship. Yes, it is that but it is much more. Sunday School is a time when Christians get together to fellowship, bear each others burdens, and LEARN. It concerns me many SS classes are more interested in gossip and talking than teaching their students invaluable lessons found in God's Word.

We'll see if anything is resolved after one person's kids were getting up and talking with their parent, prayer requests went way over long and a four person conversation (while the teacher was trying to teach the lesson) involved all four gawking and gabbing at a fellow student's newborn she brought in the class but did not take to the nursery.

I sure hope this issue gets resolved, I'll keep you posted.

My Thanksgiving

I hope everybody had a nice Thanksgiving. We made it to my Aunt and Uncle in Tahlequah a little late for dinner but were able to enjoy some nice fellowship with my aunt, uncle, cousin Amy and her family, my dad, brother his wife and two year old niece. I swear, my aunt can cook! She fixed a ham I'm STILL tasting in my mouth. My dad told us he wanted to have Christmas at his house I said I'd attend only if we were having ham. (kidding of course) That evening both WW and me broke down and purchased winter coats because the zippers on both our coats were broken.

Friday and Saturday we did nothing but sit and watch football. I'm happy to report that as of this writing, OU is well ahead of OSU. The upset was Friday where Arkansas defeated LSU in triple overtime.

Monday is back to work but I can't complain. I'm thankful I have my job, a wonderful wife, great kid and my health.

Richard Roberts Resigns

I heard Richard sent in his letter of resignation to the regents. It looks like he is no longer the boss.

I think this is a good step for ORU. Too much controversy is following Richard (four seperate lawsuits have been filed), and it's time for new leadership.

My prayers are twofold. First I pray that Richard and family will repent of any wrongdoing. I also pray for healing between the Roberts' and those hurt by their behavior. Second, I pray the leaders @ ORU will evaluate the theology held by many of the regents.

I've said this several times, it's not happenstance that ORU has the problems it has given many in the leadership are involved in the Word Faith movement. Remember, it isn't just Richard that is accused of lavish living. Time and time again, investigators have uncovered many high profile WF ministers living like kings and queens. My wife's nephew worked at a Hotel in OKC where Benny Hinn was holding one of his crusades. He and several others were responsible for serving Hinn's entourage. The curious little thing about Hinn's company is he had his own food taster. Another article disclosed a minster who graduated from a famous WF minister's school of preaching. (I think it was Morris Cerullio but I am not sure) this particular minister took a trip to Africa for one of his shows (err crusades) while addressing the crowd, he was dressed in a suit of green and sat on a gold throne. These two examples (one can find more, all they have to do is a little research) should go to show Richard's behavior and lifestyle are by no means unique in the "Name it and Claim it" movement.

Oh, one other thing, Ministry watch .org, has given most of those in the WF movementfailing grades for transparency regarding their funds.

Let us continue to pray for those involved on both sides of the ORU scandal. May God be with all parties and may they find healing and direction on doing His will.

UPDATE: I heard on KFAQ this morning Richard Roberts may still be head of ORU Ministry. Also, the Profs are paid by ORUM, this makes for an interesting development in the ORU sags. Who knows how this will turn out.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

It's Thanksgiving. Take time to give thanks to God for the blessings he has bestowed on you. Even though you may not think you're doing so well, there is always somebody who has it worse than you.

While you're at it, pray for the staff at ORU. I've been pretty hard on President Roberts and his lack of theological discernment, but I do want this whole mess straightened out. It looks like Richard is out, which is good The university needs new leadership not connected to scandal and excesses. My prayer is that the staff and regents @ORU will examine the errors of the WF movement, and disassociate themselves from these teachings. I hope where there is a need for repentence, those needing to repent will do so and experience the wonder power of God's grace. Then and only then can healing take place. I have faith ORU can be a university dedicated to Christian Higher education.

Until next time, have a happy and save Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 19, 2007

No Confidence

No Confidence;

In a vote of no confidence, the professors of ORU have expressed their lack of trust in Richard Roberts.

One comment on Michael Bates' blog caught my eye. It sums up perfectly the (partial) problem and (partial) solution.

“If ORU is to recover from it’s current problems, it can no longer be or even seem to be a hereditary monarchy where the whim of the royal family is law.”

Professor Don Vance was interviewed on KFAQ where he described the atmosphere as a "culture of fear." King Richard ruled by Royal decree. If one disagreed with him, one risked his Royal warth. It sounds like there may be more to this story than meets the eye.

How much of the scandal could be from faulty doctrine held by the Roberts family? (The doctrines of the Word Faith Movement)Something to consider.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Random Thoughts

WW and I were out running errands Tuesday when we decided to stop at Furr's and grab a bite to eat. Our waitress was very attentive and dedicated to her job. I did, however, notice, she was a little slow. I asked WW and she confirmed and she said they had a practice of hiring disabled people.

I have one thing to say to liberals and Professional Victims who want to make everybody a ward of the state.....LEAVE DISABLED PERSONS AND THE REST OF US ALONE!!!!! What right have I saying many disabled persons can and should work to the best of their ability? Aint I just a mean, right winger, hate mongering, Christian bigot? I'll tell you why . I am disabled.....That's right, DISABLED; I am legally blind. I was born with cataracts, a weak retina, and weak optic nerve. I have never, nor, baring a miracle will ever drive a car and sometimes need larger print. I must also use a large monitor, and cannot see or do some things the rest of you mere mortals take for granted.

However, I thank God I was born into a home where my parents felt legally blind didn't mean legally stupid. I was pushed to work as hard as my fully sighted brother never being allowed to use my disability as an excuse. I remember a lady talking to my mother and she was amazed she would (my mom) allow me to get a job with my grades (I wasn't the best student) My mom said she wanted as normal childhood for me as possible, hence the reason she was OK with me working. Were my parents perfect? No ( I wanted to learn self defense in Jr. High since I was picked on and they said no), did my mom admit in Jr. High I should have gone to a private school, yes and she was probably right. Life was and is not always easy. I rememember feeling awkward in our church Youth group and was picked on a lot in Jr. High and it was difficult not able to drive while all my other friends were getting their first cars, but truly "All things work for good" God has blessed me not only with godly parents (my mom, deceased, and my father still alive) but with good friends, one in particular let me drive his car (VERY slow in an abandoned parking lot) and a wife who has NEVER made me feel she resented me for her being the only driver in our family. I thank God my parents did help me with my disability, driving me places and getting me the tools I needed for school and making sure I sat in the front row so I could see the board better. Because of my upbringing, I have many hobbies that may seem hard to believe. I like to play golf, and can play as long as I have somebody to help me find my golf ball, read a great deal, and enjoy playing (though I haven't in a while) my soprano saxophone, and of course, I have taken up the hobby of blogging just to name a few.

So, where am I going with this? Simple, unless a person absolutely cannot work, disabled persons must be made and allowed to work the best of their ability. Even if it's a small job, working and fulfilling the normal need God gave us to be tasked, gives a person a sense of accomplishment. No Government program can do that. I do realize each disability is unique and that not everybody can work forty hours, but, let those that can, work as much as they are able. Give them that sense of purpose. The young lady's dedication at Furr's proved to me what happens when disabled persons are allowed to WORK. Those that can (including myself) should.

All Glory, praise, and Thanks go to the infinate Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for providing me with godly parents, a supportive wife, and wonderful daughter. Without the parents, I would not be who I am today, and without my wife I would not have the support a disabled person needs, and without my daughter, I wold not know the joys of fatherhood.


It was a great football Game at TU where the Golden Hurricanes routed Houston 56-7. My daughter enjoyed the last game we watched (TU-SMU) so we made sure to attend the last home game of the season. I'll be honest, I thought it would be a closer game but from the start, TU came out swinging and wouldn't let go I chalk it up to excellent playing by both the offense and defense, and the stupid penalties Houston brought on themselves. Anyway, pay attention to TU, they have the makings of a respectable football team. Congrats to Paul Smith who had a record day. After the game I took WW out on the field where she got a couple of the player's autographs, one was Paul Smiths'. My impression of the young man is that he seems very personable, not letting his college success go to his head. While signing autographs, he talked to the kids and asked if/who was going to church tomorrow. Later that night, WW told me he was a Christian. Mr. Smith, you earned your victory. Here is a word of advice, put the Lord first, then your wife. Love her like an Ephesians husband and the rest of your life will fall in line.
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, 26 that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, 27 that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish. 28 So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself. 29 For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church. 30 For we are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones. 31 "For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh." 32 This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church. 33 Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.
Eph 5:25-33 (NKJV)

Channel II and some other radio stations were also at the game. It was nice to see the news and weather personel and it was especially nice for TU to honor our veterans and hold a Toys for Tots toy drive. Those donating toys received a free football ticket. Anyway, congrats to TU and Paul Smith on an awesome game. You earned your victory.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Reformation Day Part II

What were the beliefs of the Reformers?

The Reformers wanted to answer four basic questions. How is a person saved? Where does a Christian's authority lie? What is the church, and what is Christian living? To answer these vital questions, they developed five "solas" which, taken as a whole, form the bedrock of the Reformation. I will summarize each of them.

Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone) In matters of teaching and doctrine, the Bible was the final authority. The Reformers were not opposed to tradition or looking to the past, what they were opposed to was making these equal with Scripture. Martin Luther said it best. "Unless I am convinced by Scripture and plain reason...My conscience is bound by the Word of God....." To him and other Christians through the ages, Scripture was what was used to measure all teachings. It was "the norm that normed all other norms."

Sola Fide (Faith Alone) The teaching is simple, one is justified (declared right before God) through simple faith ALONE. The Roman Church had no problem with salvation by faith, the problem came when the word ALONE was added. This flew in the face of the Romish doctrine of salvation by faith plus works. The Reformers were aware of the importance of good works, but they affirmed the Biblical teaching that works come AFTER salvation and not before or to attain it.

Sola Gracia (Grace Alone) We did nothing to earn God's grace. God saved us simply because he chose to. By grace ALONE and through faith ALONE we are saved. God's grace imputes his righteousness in us declaring us "not guilty" of our sins. This is called "Imputed Righteousness"

Sola Christus (Christ Alone) Christ's death and resurrection are enough for our salvation. The Bible teaches this wonderful truth that when one puts his faith in the death of Christ, that is enough to attain eternal life. The hymn writter said it best "I need no other argument, I need no other plea. It is enough that Jesus died and that He died for me." Any church that puts anything after Christ's death as payment enough for sins is not a Christian church.

Sola Deo Gloria (For the Glory of God Alone) As much as this goes against our egos, salvation is by God alone and for His glory alone. As Christians we are to live our lives glorifying God.

The Reformers, contrary to Roman Catholic apologists, did not "invent" new doctrine. All five of these truths are rooted in Scripture and form the backbone of orthodox Christianity. What the Reformers wanted was simple; a RETURN to Biblical Christianity. These brave men and women held comon beliefs with the Historic church (e.g. the Trinity, Christ's virgin birth and raising from the dead, the Bible as the word of God, etc) Even the Roman Church of Dr. Luther's day, which resembled little of the Church founded by Christ, held, at least in theory these same teachings.