Whether any doctrinal reformation can be achieved at ORU time will tell. I was a little concerned when the spokesperson described contributions as "seed faith gift" and stated both ORU and Oral's ministry will be "spiritually connected" but maybe I'm just nitpicking; change takes time.
Later on, Mart Green, owner of Mardel and Hubie Lobby announced his family will donate 70 million to ORU. There are, of course, strings attached. Eight million is unconditional but if the university wants the other 62 mil, certain conditions must to be met. Some include greater transparency in financial dealings, new leadership (achieved with Richard resigning), and the possibility of new regents.
I couldn't be more pleased. Look folks, it's simple and Mr. Green said this very thing. Trust has been violated and ORU is in serious debt. In order for the ship to be righted, new leadership must take over. One other comment, Mr. Green made clear his family had no intention of taking over ORU, in fact, he said it's possible in a couple of years, they may not even be needed. To what extent new leadership will be sought, and how all this will shake out only time will tell.
I was also happy to hear Mr. Green describe the problems @ORU not as financial, but as spiritual. Whether "spiritual" he means a lack of trust, or something deeper like doctrine, who knows, but I was energized hearing him say once the spiritual issues are resolved, this in turn will resolved the financial issues.
Please continue to pray for the ongoing issues facing ORU. They are to be commended for the step taken separating the ministry and university.