Saturday, June 14, 2008

Unintended Consequences

There is an absolute in this world. When laws are passed (I'm referring to idiotic laws) unintended consequences occur. I was reminded of this while calling my cell phone provider.

My invoice has always been easy to read even without my glasses. Well, I take a look at my invoice and the print is twice as small with less pages. Calling Customer Service, I find out the company is trying to "go more green" and so they wish to print less pages by making the invoices double page, two pages on one piece of paper instead of one (and making it MUCH more difficult for me to read)

At my work, to help prevent "global warming" all vending machines lights are turned off. Mother Earth will be saved, but me, a lousy, carbon footprint making, harmful to the beautiful earth, killer of trees and animals, is unable to see what is in the vending machines for purchase or the prices.

Yeah I know, I'm being selfish but like I told the rep at my cell phone company, God CREATED the earth and we humans, though entrusted with its (notice not HER) stewardship, are its keepers. In other words, trees, animals, natural resources, and other gifts God, not earth gave us are OURS to use for humanity's good.

I don't think my desiring larger print or wanting to see what is in the vending maching is going to send "Mother Earth" into a "global warming" holocaust.

Thankfully I was able to get the billing print reset to the normal larger print.

Any way we can have some serious adult oriented ecological common sense measures?

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