Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Odyssey

Now that the power is back on at my house, I can tell you all where we stayed the almost eight days we were living out of suitcases.

WW and I both had to be at work Wednesday so we made arrangements with two friends, one kept our three dogs, and the other loaned us his house. The first night at Tom's his heater needed to be repaired so we slept in his house without any heat whatsoever. I wasn't even able to use my CPAP because the air, even with my CPAP's heater cranked up almost full blast, was so cold it felt like I was breathing ice daggers. Also, condensation built up in the hose (this is called rainout) because my breathing was warm, the air inside the house was cold, causing water buildup. When I'd breath in, it sounded like a soda can filled with pennies, making sleep all but impossible. The good news was Tom had the heater repaired so we had heat the remainder of our stay

Even though the outage was frustrating and I will have to replace all my refrigerated food, I have a lot to be thankful for. While staying at Tom's, the only exception the first night without heat, we had adequate warmth. We even had the house to ourselves since Tom was out of town. It wasn't lost on me that during the entire outage, not once did we have to stay somewhere without power. I thank the generosity of my family and friends for this. Heck, we even had a place lined up Tuesday night in case our power was still out. I also didn't have to worry about my dogs as they were taken care of . As for my food? ALL of it can easily be replaced. WW, myself and WD all came through this without harm.

About the dogs? All three were very happy to see WW when she picked them up and were more than ready to go home.

I can honestly say God did provide for our needs, even though much of the time, I was a little too frustrated to see his handiwork.

Boy if that ain't an example of His grace (continuing to provide for us even though we were frustrated and sometimes didn't see Him in all this) I don't know what is.

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