Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Henry's Coat of True Colors

Just heard on KFAQ; our Governor is endorsing Obama.

More proof of our Governor's true colors.

Let's trace the bread crumbs...First Governor Henry wants to expand government giving out (read spend more of YOUR money) more entitlements.

Then Henry vetos Tort Reform after claiming he wants "Texas Style Legal Reform"

Next Henry vetos two Pro Life bills that would save countless lives and provide real choice for women.

I'm sure there are more but these are the only ones that came to mind.

Now our Governor endorses Obama, who's pastor is a racist, himself a left wing, cut and run, tax us into oblivion, unfettered abortion on demand who's wife has said she's ashamed to be an American. (I think the quote went something like.....For the first time, I'm proud to be an American) candidate for President.

Henry might want to remember Obama also insulted traditional values and small town folk. In case he forgot, most Oklahomans share those traditional values.

Brad's name ought to be changed to Joseph.

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