I've heard the usual murmurings from the Left that seem to occur anytime a Conservative Grown Up wants to do anything remotely close to reigning in spending, cutting waste, and/or limiting the scope of government.
With the copious amounts of examples not only form human experience, but history as well as examples from our own day, and common sense, it should come to no surprise to anybody remotely willing to think the Welfare State does not work. On the contrary, not only does it fail those it claims to help, but has adverse affects on society at large. Allow me to site an example.
At my previous job, I was an adjuster for Illinois work comp. It was my job to review claims, and pay those deemed work related. As part of my job, I was also responsible for paying those whose doctors took off of work; this was called Temporary Total Disability or TTD. There was only one problem. IL, as other states is very liberal in its work comp policy. The claimant can choose their own doctor, so long as they don't go over two choices, and unless the company sends the claimant to an Independent Medical Evaluation, which we almost always did, we had no choice but to pay the claimant for being off of work.
Many times, the IME would tell us the so called injured person could work, at which time, they almost always hired an attorney, which meant us paying a settlement, even though they could work with little lasting affects.
Which leads us to the problem. Those who abused the system were given no reason to not do so, while those who were rightfully injured and owed settlement were forced to have their cases drawn out while we were investigating possible bogus or exaggerated cases.
With so many companies having to pay little more that what could be called shakedowns, said companies left IL in droves. Per the attorneys we hired, IL's economy is in shambles since no industry will go there to do business. Those who do, are subject to draconian Work Comp regulations.
This was something I saw everyday where I worked, and led me to the obvious conclusion. If you make it easy for people to sit on their rear ends and not work, people will do so. Again, I'm not talking about actually hurt, I'm talking about those abusing the system.
This is but one example and with it and others, I am left with only two conclusion about the Left.
1. Either they are completely stupid, devoid of learning from the mistakes of other countries around the world who so foolishly bought into the Socialist lie, history, common sense, or human nature or.....
2. Beginning with Barrack, and his Merry Band of Marxists, the Left doesn't give a rat's butt about the "poor" but instead is wiling to allow more and more people to become slaves to the government so advance their agenda of more government.
Not many other options.